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Thought Leadership Award 2024

The CEO Views is proud to recognize Andreas Plienegger, CEO of Plienegger & Partner, with the "Thought Leadership Award 2024".
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Best Online Sales Training Platform 2023

Wealth & Finance Management Consulting Awards 2023
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Hooray, we received an award

Our Sales Playbook impressed the jury

Your customers don´t accept objectively great proposals?

Learn new methods to more effectively prove the value of your offer to your customers

Although they actually agreed it was a great offer?

We show you how to covince even highly sceptical people

Using effective language you can influence the behaviour of your counterparts

Learn how to stand out and boost your persuasiveness

Learn how to use effective language to purposefully influence the behaviour of your clients and your employees

With our free e-book „The Power of Words"
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Best Online Sales Training Platform 2023

The CEO Views is proud to recognize Andreas Plienegger, CEO of Plienegger & Partner, with the "Thought Leadership Award 2024".
thought leadership logo final

Thought Leadership Award 2024

Wealth & Finance Management Consulting Awards 2023
Plienegger & Partner Reprint Logo-01-01-01

Hooray, we received an award

Our Sales Playbook impressed the jury

Your customers don´t accept objectively great proposals?

Learn new methods to more effectively prove the value of your offer to your customers

Although they actually agreed it was a great offer?

We show you how to covince even highly sceptical people

Using effective language you can influence the behaviour of your counterparts

Learn how to stand out and boost your persuasiveness

Learn how to use effective language to purposefully influence the behaviour of your clients and your employees

With our free e-book „The Power of Words"

For Managers and Sales People

Achieve top performance by purposefully exploit your full potential

With our training and consulting programs we help you increase productivity in two ways:

Mental Fitness:

Based on recurringly measuring your team member’s Heart Rate Variability (HRV) we identify their objective stress level and stress factors.

In the next step we deliver tailor made trainings & coachings to help them optimise their regeneration and to activate and secure your people’s performance potential.


We show you how to identify your counterpart’s subconscious Motivation Triggers™ and language patterns.

Then we teach you how to purposefully and effectively adjust your communication and behaviour  so your proposals become irresistible to your customers and employees.

Our sales training & consulting programs:

Optimising your Sales Processes

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You want to sustainibly increase your sales results?

Then our consulting program for sales process optimisation and Sales Playbook are what you need.

Together we optimise and streamline your sales process.

Based on that we implement a tailor made Sales Playbook and train your sales organisation how to effectively and efficiently execute thes new and optimised routines.

The Secrets of Success in Digital B2B Sales

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Selling via online meetings is different to in-person meetings.

Selling online (using video calls) can help you boost effectiveness, efficiency and success in your sales effort – if you do it right.

We support you in implementing an effective process to sell online and train your sales team along the entire digital sales process. Starting from generating leads to presenting and negotiating online and closing the deal.

Sales-optimised Conversations

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Why do off-the-shelf sales trainings not work? Easy: every person is different, acts differently, has different needs.

We show your sales people how to use the LAB Profile® to purposefully and quickly identify their customer’s individual and situational Motivation Triggers™. And how to purposefully adjust their own communication and behaviour style so their arguments and presentations become absolutely compelling for their clients.

Our leadership training and consulting programs:

Effective Communication and Negotiation

Being in a leadership position you work under permanent pressure regarding results and ever increasing workload. This leaves little time for your leadership tasks.

Therefore your success not only depends on you knowing WHAT to do. It’s evenly important to also know HOW to effectively and efficiently communicate your measures to your team members. So they can take it on easily and execute them without stress  and in the most appropriat way.

Our trainings give you highly effective tools for powerfuland efficient leadership communication.

Executive Coaching

Executives are time and again confronted with highly individual and complex leadership tasks and problems.

Successfully solving these specific tasks is a key success factor for the managers themselves as well as for the company as a whole.

Exactly for that we deliver leadership coachings based on our toolset for communication and leadership. So you get highly individual and relevant tools and skills for your leadership tasks. And we support you solve even those „difficult cases“ where others fail.

Our training & coaching programs for mental fitness:

„Top-Performance in the perfect Speed Range“

Expolit your full performance potential AND prevent burnout

With our comprehensive „Top-Performance in the perfect Speed Range“ program we perfectly support your sales and leadership people.

The goal is to help them perform to the maximum while still staying healthy and capable. And the more of your employees exploit their full performance potential, the higher your overall productivity will be!

The rock-solid foundation of this program is measuring the Heart Rate Variability of your people as a basis for designing highly individual training and coaching programs.

The LAB Profile® (Language & Behavior Profile):

„The Power of Words“

For many years now we have relied on the powerful LAB Profile® method.

The LAB Profile® helps you to quickly identify your counterpart’s subconscious motivation triggers and drives based on their language patterns. By purposefully applying your own language patterns you then can boost your personal persuasiveness and become a powerful communicator.

The LAB Profile® is an easy to learn system. Once you know it, you will massively and sustainably increase the power of your words in sales and leadership.

Results-driven conversations and negotiations

Results-driven communications and negotiations

When executives fail to effectively persuade and guide their team members, overall productivity will plunge.

A common reason for communication fails is the fact that team members may have motivation, behaviour and language patterns different to those of their manager. And thus the manager’s arguments don’t reach them.

We show you how to quickly identify thes motivation, behaviour and language patterns and leverage them to effectively persuade your peers. This way you boost the power of your arguments.

LAB Profile® Consultant/Trainer Certification

We offer you the certification course to get the LAB Profile® Trainer/Consultant Certification.

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Free e-book „The Power of Words – Use the right words to sell more“

You want to learn more about the LAB Profile®? And how you can leverage this method to increase your sales?

Then read my e-book „The Power of Words – Use the right words to sell more“.

You will learn

Why customers trust us

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